School Details:
Nazareth Prep
PIAA District PIAA District 7
School District Avonworth
School Type Private High School
Total Enrollment 75
Female Enrollment 32
Male Enrollment 43
School District Avonworth
School Type Private High School
Enrollment Figures
Last Enrollment Date Friday, October 6, 2023 (24/25 classification season)Total Enrollment 75
Female Enrollment 32
Male Enrollment 43
Mailing Addresses
8235 Ohio River Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Phone Numbers
Main(412) 307-0230
Fax(412) 307-0249
Fax(412) 307-0249
Web Addresses
School Contacts
Katie Foley
Athletic Director
Foley.catherine@Nazarethprep.orgStacy Tweedy
tweedy.stacy@nazarethprep.orgBoys Sports | Class | Co-op? |
Baseball | A | |
Boys Basketball | A | |
Boys Bowling | AAAA | |
Boys Track and Field | AA | |
Girls Sports | Class | Co-op? |
Girls Basketball | A | |
Girls Bowling | AAAA | |
Girls Competitive Spirit | AA | |
Girls Track and Field | AA | |
Girls Volleyball | A |