School Classifications for Boys Track and Field

For the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years, there are 611 schools competing in Boys Track and Field.

The grid below displays a breakdown of schools competing in Boys Track and Field, grouped by district and classification. Click on the links within the grid to view a list of schools by classification or district.

District 1 (81 Schools) -- 15 66 -- -- --
District 2 (35 Schools) -- 14 21 -- -- --
District 3 (102 Schools) -- 29 73 -- -- --
District 4 (33 Schools) -- 25 8 -- -- --
District 5 (14 Schools) -- 13 1 -- -- --
District 6 (39 Schools) -- 32 7 -- -- --
District 7 (123 Schools) -- 68 55 -- -- --
District 8 (7 Schools) -- 1 6 -- -- --
District 9 (26 Schools) -- 21 5 -- -- --
District 10 (36 Schools) -- 28 8 -- -- --
District 11 (49 Schools) -- 21 28 -- -- --
District 12 (66 Schools) -- 33 33 -- -- --
All Districts (611 Schools) -- 300 311 -- -- --