Advertise with PIAA

The PIAA Web site offers your company the opportunity to reach a broad audience throughout Pennsylvania. We can target your message directly to members of the athletic community via our Web site or through the various events that occur throughout the year. Ad specifications are listed below.

Region Dimensions (px) File Format File Size Limit (kb)
Skyscraper (all pages) 120 x 600 PNG, JPG, GIF
SWF (Flash)
20kb (PNG, JPG, GIF)
30kb (Flash)
Scorebar (all pages) 1000 x 50 PNG, JPG, GIF 20kb (PNG, JPG, GIF)
Homepage Feature 617 x 402 PNG, JPG, GIF 100kb (PNG, JPG, GIF)
Homepage Footer 275 x 230 PNG, JPG, GIF 20kb (PNG, JPG, GIF)
Sport Feature 617 x 402 PNG, JPG, GIF 100kb (PNG, JPG, GIF)
Sport Sidebar 333 x 240 PNG, JPG, GIF 20kb (PNG, JPG, GIF)

Please Contact Mark E. Byers, PIAA Assistant Executive Director, to maximize your interscholastic athletic sponsorship potential with PIAA.

(800) 382-1392 - PA Only
(717) 697-0374