2024 National Student Leadership Summit
About the NSLS:
- The Summit will be held in Indianapolis, IN from July 22-25, 2024.
- Selected students will be chosen by the PIAA to represent Pennsylvania at the National Student Leadership Summit.
- The NSLS will sharpen the leadership skills for students and provide them with additional professional development to take back to their school to make a difference amongst their peers.
- If you are a leader on your team or club and would like to enhance your leadership skills to share with your teammates, please apply for the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit!
Application Information:
Please fill out the appropriate application. Once completed, please email application to Lee Ann Blasovich at lb@piaa.org. PIAA will review applications and send additional directions if selected.
(A typed application is preferred).
PIAA will notify selected students for further registration information.
2024 Student Ambassador Application (PDF Fillable)
2024 Adult Ambassador Application (PDF Fillable)
The deadline to submit your application to the PIAA office is Friday, April 5th, 2024.
** Student and Ambassador room reservations will be handled by the NFHS staff.**
More Information:
- Please contact Lee Ann Blascovich (lb@piaa.org) regarding any questions.