Competition Formula Explanation

Competition Classification Formula

Classification of SchoolsPreamble

The purpose of classifying schools is to allow for schools to compete within certain parameters against similar size schools. This classification process has involved using enrollment numbers to establish a school’s classification that has stood the test of time for decades. However, there is general view that enrollment numbers may not clearly indicate equal competition factors and there should be additional items that are needed to be considered in the classification process to keep athletic competition in balance. With the changes in legislation and the advancement of technology that have affected types of schools that students may choose to attend, there appear to be two general types of schools: traditional schools, where students attend by virtue of their geographic residence, and schools of choice, where students choose to attend based upon their educational needs, religion, gender, legacy or technology. These schools also include academies, charters and preparatory schools. Based upon these changes in the types of schools that students may attend, consideration needs to be given to address competitive balance and the development of a formula to address this process of classifying schools.

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