Directions for Creating a Coaching Profile

To use the coaching credentialing system - visit our website:;

Click “login” (the gold box in top right corner of your screen).

(If the box says Account then you are already logged in to our system, please make sure to logout prior to creating a profile)

Click the “Coaches” tab.

If you have not previously used the coaches’ credentialing portal, you will need to create a new user profile by clicking “Register” (Note: You do not need to fill in the Username and Password box at this time)  and following the steps to create a new user – (Note: school, official, or other logins used in our system are not useable for the purpose of coaching education). 

Once you have created a profile, the Coaching Education System becomes available.

  •  In the first section, “PIAA Education Requirements”, upload certificates of completion or a transcript to support completion of the required coaching and first aid required courses. (Certificates or Transcripts must be in PDF form)  Note, if submitting a course other than an NFHS or ASEP approved course, type in the name of the course you are submitting.  
  • In the second section, select each school which you are affiliated.  Multiple schools may be selected if affiliated with more than one school.  Simply begin typing the school name, and the system will match all available schools.

NOTE: One submission must be made for each course requirement.  A single transcript cannot be uploaded once to satisfy the requirement for coaching and first aid.  They must be uploaded separately.

Please do not submit concussion or cardiac coursework in this section.  That information may be upload under section 3 “Optional School Education”, but should not be uploaded under section 2.

  • In the third section “Optional School Education”, a school may require coaches to upload additional information at their discretion.  Please check with your athletic administrator to see if you are required to submit any items in this location. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Grassel, PIAA Assistant Executive Director in the PIAA Office at (717) 697-0374, or (800) 382-1392.